Disclosure Policy for IR information

Basic Disclosure Policy

To meet the demands of investors, Paramount Bed Holdings is dedicated to the prompt and fair disclosure of information, in accordance with laws and regulations, that may have an effect on investment decisions. The general manager of finance is responsible for handling this information and the general manager of investor relations dept. is responsible for the disclosure of this information.
We disclose information as stipulated in the Rules for Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information of Issuers of Listed Securities (Timely Disclosure Rules) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Disclosure Standards

As a rule, following the approval by the Board of Directors, we promptly announce “information about decisions” and “financial information” as stated in the Timely Disclosure Rules. In addition, if there is information that is likely to have a significant effect on the Paramount Bed Group, in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules for “information concerning events,” the individual responsible for handling information discusses the matter with the company president or associated departments. If these individuals conclude that the information can be released, an announcement is made promptly.

Disclosure Methods

Corporate information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules are registered with the TDnet of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and announced (such as by submitting a press release) at the Tokyo Stock Exchange press club. We also post this information on our website. We also make prompt announcements using suitable methods of corporate information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules if the information is likely to have an effect on investment decisions.

Silent Period

To prevent leaks of financial information, there is a silent period prior to the announcement of results of operations. During this period, we will make no comments and answer no questions about results of operations. However, we will make an appropriate announcement during the silent period if we expect our performance to differ greatly from a forecast that has already been announced.